Saturday, November 22, 2008

Silver Dollar City

Silver Dollar City was so much fun, every building had pretty lights. It was so pretty after dark! We got there a little before it opened and left after it was closed!
It was so much more then we expected...there were some really fun roller coasters (my personal favorite) and a lot of shops which sold different things that were made right before your eyes. Silver Dollar City was so big that we were very grateful the Wissmann's came and showed us around! They made for pretty good roller coaster buddy's too: )

One of my favorites was the pottery shop!

The lady was amazing!
I had never seen anyone do pottery before first hand!
Going down into "Grandfathers house" a place that all the floors are slanted so when you looked in the mirror it seemed you were standing at a perpetual can't quite describe was weird.

..they finally got caught..
When we got there it was pretty cold and drizzling!

The "Barn Swing" it was one of my favorite things to do!

Thanks Bethany for the use of your coat and head band thingy

Trip to Branson!

This past weekend our "new" family (that is without any of the older boys) took a wonderful trip to Branson MO!

The Wissmann's are down there for about 2 months so we decided to go and visit them, watch their show, visit Silver Dollar City and have a nice family time! It was everything we expected and more! I tried to take pictures of the Wissmann's while they were perfoming but they didn't turn out very well so you can visit The Wissmann's blog to see some good ones!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Gift Opening

A little over a week after the wedding, fresh from their honeymoon and settling into their new apartment, Josh and Alaina hosted a gift opening at the Club House in their apart. complex.

Mr. & Mrs. Beasley: )

The enthusiastic was very exciting at the beginning but as the evening wore on....we lost the attention of some...

...but not everyone..
...especially not the bride and groom...

...but some of the older ones were getting distracted...with a good reason: )

Friday, November 7, 2008


I don't have many pictures of the wedding...I sort of forgot to take pictures! But this will give you a glimpse!

All the cute shoes!

Getting ready! Only hours away from becoming Mrs. Beasley

Waiting cheerfully!

All ready to go!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wedding/Rehersal dinner prep

Decorating, setting tables, cooking food, laughing with friends were all part of getting the Rehersal Dinner ready! We had such a wonderful group of helpers!

Setting the table

Fixing the "flowergirl wagon"

Marking tape for where the bridal party would stand during the ceremony
Precious moments with Elise

Grandma and Grandpa came all the way from Minnesota

Peeling 30lb's of potato's!
A big thank you to everyone who helped to make the occasion special!
I would say I will try to post wedding pictures tomorrow, but it is always best not to make promises.

DeFord Football party

Whew! I haven't posted in quite a while: ) Thank you for being patient, and staying with me! As my excuse, I have been really busy! The wedding was last week, Dan was home, I had my neonatal class (which went very well, thank you all for praying!) and got sick to boot.

But before all the busy flurry of activity the DeFord's had their annual football party out in Perry, Ne. It was very fun! The guys played football and the girls watched, cheered or went shopping: )

The guys started it off a little rough.
It's a good thing that Alaina wasn't there, with the wedding just over a week away she would have flipped (and rightfully so) if Josh got a black eye or some other injury.

They played football for a very long time, (and Josh didn't hardly get scratched, thank goodness!)

After football we went over to the church, had supper and settled down to some very energetic games!

The first game was a version of "Hot Potato". Someone played the piano while everyone else passed different objects around. When the music ended whoever was still holding an object was out.
The second game was Musical Chairs. It was to say the least very rigorous! Boy that room was hot when we were done: )

It narrowed down pretty quickly. Thank you DeFord's for your hospitality!