Wednesday, March 28, 2012


How does one use words and this small space to sum up such an experience?
If we could get together for a chat I'd rattle your ear off with stories and memories.
But instead of writing a small book I'll just stick with the highlights/memories/experiences.

- this boy makes me laugh

- God's creation is spectacular

- if you ever have the opportunity to camp in the mountains--DO IT

- Sleeping out under the CO stars framed by the tall trees and mountains = fantastic memory 
{note: the weather could not have been better. 
It was absolutely perfect.}

-Breakfast was the only 'real' meal we ate all day
{note: the altitude didn't do much for the appetite, but we did stuff down quite a few bars and nuts...etc.}

-This kid was tough to keep up with.
{note: Phillip surprised me constantly with his drive}

{note: he has been on lots of excursions of this nature, and he showed us how it goes!}

- this trip was slightly harder than I anticipated

- post-holing was a challenge
{note: post-holing is pictured above. Your foot sinks into the snow. You scramble out. Your next foot sinks into the snow...etc. Oh yeah, and the snow was over waist deep in some places.}

- nothing really prepares you for the altitude change

-nothing really prepares you for the sheer wonderfulness of hiking either

- pomegranate infused crasins are to die for
{note: if you have not tried them before. Do it. Like right now.}

-Long-horned sheep/Ram/whatever-this-thing-is-called are amazing

- I may or may not have wished that I was a Ram

- I was constantly in awe of my God

- hiking for 16 hours is fun, but a tad exhausting

{note: This rocky part was our last stretch towards the summit}

- I may or may not have felt like giving up 

- climbing is mental. at least some of it is.

- the summit is rockin' awesome

- being on top of the world {or at least feeling like you are} can make you want to scream, cry and dance...all at the same time.

- I will never forget this ^ moment

-Mt. Alice stood 13,310 ft.

"Making it to the top is optional. Making it back down is mandatory"

- hiking over 20 miles in one day really makes ya "dig down deep" :P

- oh how I wished I could be a long-horned sheep for the descent 
{note: and of course I thought the same for the ascent}

- making it back to the car was bittersweet

- the question was brought up several times "why do we live in NE?"

- to accompany my bros on this

"You answer us with awesome deeds 
of righteousness O God our Savior,
 the hope of all the ends of the earth 
and of the farthest seas, 
who formed the mountains by your power
having armed yourself with strength..."
Psalm 65:6

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We made it!

We are back from the shortest, 'funnest', hardest, most exciting trip ever.

Can't wait to share the highlights and memories!
{note: we took LOTS of pictures! *happy thought*}

But the mountains in that picture.
 My God spoke those into being. 
Yeah, I was pretty overwhelmed by that thought too.

"The earth is the LORD's and everything in it, 
the world, and all who live in it; 
for He founded it upon the seas 
and established it upon the waters."
Psalm 24:1-2

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Life. It's a miracle.

{Hudson at 4 1/2 weeks}

"For you formed my inward parts;
You covered my in my mother's womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."
Psalms 139:13-14

Monday, March 19, 2012


Nebraska is hardly the place to train for a trek in Colorado's mountains. But when it's all you've got, it's good.

 My brothers and I are headed west this weekend for a short trip up Mt. Alice, located in Colorado. We've been working out, going on test hikes and gathering gear for our adventure. I'm so excited.

I have only been to Colorado once before and LOVED it. I plan on taking oodles of picture of God's marvelous stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We Got Dumped On

...with snow!
It snowed on a Saturday. 
Our only real snow, and it was perfect,
perfect snow that just demanded a snowman.

So we made one.
He turned out to be a big fellow.

Snow is heavier than it seems. 
But thanks to some strong brothers the head was put in place {video above}

Our Masterpiece! 

We were quite proud of our snowman, it stood a little over 10 feet tall.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Missing you

Have you ever found yourself missing someone? Wondering what they were thinking, feeling, doing? Or maybe something happens, not super big or wondrous, but it needs to be shared. Modern technology is amazing, what with Skype, texting, phone calls, emails and yes even Facebook, keeping in touch with people isn't that hard. But nothing beats the in-person contact; having someone by your side. Watching their face change with yours as you tell a story, display a project, or share your heart.

Right now missing people has become the norm. Wether they're out of state, out of the country or just simply super super busy, it's still sad. I just got back from a delightful trip to Virginia. It was wonderful. I got to see all the special people that I met when I lived out there for 2 months. But then came the awful moment when I had to say goodbye all over again. I didn't like it. Not one bit.

Of course there were jokes about how we were going to squish VA and NE close together so there wouldn't be so many miles between us. But we all knew the truth. Virginia would always be far away from Nebraska. It's just a part of life. And I realized that missing is also is a part of life.

I spent almost 2 weeks with my sister-in-law. What happiness. I got to feel my li'l niece kick inside of her mommy, we talked about what life would be like once she was born. But it was just 2 weeks. Soon I was to go back home and miss out on all the little things that make up her day, and that goes both ways. The distance felt so huge. 

I started to think...
why make friends that are going to up and leave?
why invest time in a relationship when you know it's going to change?
why try to meet new people when you might never see them again?
and I thought...
it sure would save a lot of sadness and the ache that comes with missing someone.

But honestly, what a terrible perspective! If I was to shut myself out from the world and just live for myself, how lame would that be? To open ones heart to love is also to open it up to pain. People are important. Relationships are important. Investing in the lives of others, no matter how long or short, is a worthwhile endeavor. Shutting my heart may erase a little pain, but also it eliminates all the joy and gladness that comes with a friendship.

So I sat at the bus window, all these thoughts running through my mind, and watched my sister drive away. I knew that it would be several months would lapse before I would see her again. My niece would be almost two months old. But never, never would I exchange the sheer wonderfulness of our relationship just so I wouldn't have to miss her. Ha. Friendship is so sweet.

The joys of life are doubled when shared with a friend.
{even if it has to be via modern technology}

And all the friends I'm missing right now {yes, you know who you are} I'm just so grateful that I have such fabulous people to miss.

{note: that purty girl in the pictures..she's one of my fabulous VA friends...}

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Just had to give you a quick update. 
I have lots of fun pictures to share with you and happy stories and times..etc
{I mean what can you expect with a whole week with Bethany?}

But that will all have to wait...
but to hold you tight here's some pictures of my new li'l Hudson darling!

{note: yes, it's horribly yellow and not a very good picture, 
but look past that and see the adorable li'l man that I'm related to!}

he's such a boy, much to his Uncle's pleasure

Aren't babies just a miracle? Yes.

I love these girls to the moon and back...

{note: this was our attempt at a self portrait}

"A cheerful heart is good medicine..."
Prov. 17:22a