Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Could it really have been two weeks....

..since we left for CYIA???

Well...we are home again!!! And I can't wait to (spend a whole day getting caught up on blogging) share about all the wonderful times we had!!!

A huge thank you to all of those who sent packages and letters!! (I even got some from people who I didn't even know!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!)

The LORD was definitely with us at camp and He taught me SO many things!! Thank you to everyone who prayed...they made a difference: )


Anonymous said...

So glad to have you back home! And I want to hear even more about what the LORD taught you!

Ashley Hoover said...

Cute picture Anna!!

Will we have a CYIA post??? :)

Lesley said...

It was such fun serving with you as staff this year Pippi! You are a joy to be around...the love of Christ shines through you! May you have a blessed summer!

Looking forward to a CYIA post! *hint*hint. :)

Mikala said...

Can't wait for the pictures...

Josiah and Abi Wissmann said...

Anna, what a beautiful picture of you! God's blessings as you take what you learned, and use it for HIS glory! Love you! ~abi

Jessica M said...

Really cute picture of 3 of you! I think you should write a really long CYIA post to make up for my unwritten one. I'm pretty sure I won't get around to writing one. =)

Mikala said...

Yes...I would love to read about it, Anna!
I'm interested in what you did...

Your Sister In Christ said...

Sounds like you had a good time! I am sure that y'all were a blessing!! But I was wondering, I once saw something on your brothers blog (Dan) that I thought was interesting. I wanted to show it to my brother, but now I can not find it (your brothers blog, not the post). Could you tell it to me? Thanks,and I plan to stop this asking questions every time I comment;)

Anna B. said...

Hey "Sister In Christ"...sorry I just saw your question today...my brothers blog is;
Hope that helps: )