I mentioned in my post on my graduation that God had been teaching me about His love, and how I shared a little bit about that during my speech. I also mentioned that I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you. Well, in preparation for CYIA I was able to write my thoughts down and so I thought I would post them here. I originally wrote this (with help from Grace W.)to be shared with a prayer partner at CYIA. May God use this in your life to draw you closer to Himself.
God’s Amazing Love
Together with your prayer partner, take turns looking up these verses and reading them outloud.
- Lamentations 3:21-33
- Romans 8:35-39
- Zeph. 3:17
- Psalm 36:5-10
- Ephesians 3:16-21
According to these verses we realize that God’s love for you is so immense that we cannot ever fully comprehend it in this life.
Share with your prayer partner 3 ways that God has demonstrated His love to you.
Now I would like to challenge you to think of God’s love in a way that you may have never thought of before. Do you realize that God’s ways of demonstrating His love do not always seem very loving?
Think about this. Anything that God brings, or allows into your life is meant only to draw you closer to Him and mold you more into His image. This means that things that you may consider hurtful, difficult or just plain “unfun” are really the instruments that He is using to shape you into who He wants you to be.
In light of this think to yourself of 3 more ways that God demonstrates His love to you.
Spend some time thanking God for His indescribable, unfailing and incredible love.
(Also during this time share prayer requests with each other)