Thursday, September 20, 2012

Me and the Boys

...that's my life around here these days. :)


My brothers continually make me laugh. All the time.
 Even when I really don't want to.

My sister also makes me laugh. But she's gone.
Sad, I know. But she will be coming back. :)

But I'm so crazy excited with all that she is learning, and what God is going to do through her surrendered life. God writes beautiful stories. And I get to have a front seat in this one.
{I would say "more on this later", but I don't want to make promises that I might not keep, nor get your hopes up of hearing the wonderful path that God is leading my I won't say anything.}

And in other completely off-the-wall news, my little brother's gerbil had babies. Two hairless little things the size of a two-year olds pinky. They are diligently learning how to be cute, but they aren't quite there yet. 

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, 
that we should be called the children of God!"
1 John 3:1

1 comment:

Mikala said...

Oh, now I'm dying to know about Esther!!! :-) Will keep my eye out for news...