Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I began with a sigh...and ended completely inspired

Everyday I like to read a couple Psalms and Proverbs along with my main reading. Normally I choose the Proverb of the day. And today was no exception, except today, I'm ashamed to say, I wasn't too thrilled. It's the 31st, and we all know what Proverbs 31 is all about; the Virtuous Woman.

I've heard this chapter preached on, I've memorized it in two different versions. Mother/Daughter Bible Studies are always based on this chapter and I've heard oodles of teachers teach on it. Quotes are hung up all over the place and I've let it become commonplace. I let it lose it's charm. And so as I turned my pages to Provers 31, I gave an inward sigh.

But recently I heard a message taught on Bathsheba (the author of those verses). It really changed my perspective on her, in a positive way (but that's too long to get into right now...), and so I thought I would read this chapter with that in mind. Purpose to find something new. Purpose to not view it as commonplace. Purpose to view it as excellent instruction that God has given to me, as a girl. Purpose to read it as if I'd never read it before.

I was amazed. Inspired. Stunned. Discouraged. Energized. All at the same time.

Things jumped out at me like never before. Yeah, I'm not married. But I'm willing to bet a substantial amount that this woman didn't all of a sudden become the "supermom/wife" right when she got married. It took preparation.

And it hit me. If I could spend every minute of my life preparing so that I could be like her...I still wouldn't be ready. *smile*

Just take a look at some of her characteristics;

  • she gets up while it is still dark..   
  • out of her earnings she plants a vineyard    
  • her arms are strong for her tasks
  • she extends her hands to the needy.
  • she is clothed with strength, and dignity
  • she speaks with wisdom
  • she does not eat the bread of idleness
And the list goes on and on and on.

What kind of things would this girl have been doing while she was not yet married? 

Good question. 

What are you doing...right prepare for the future?

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; 
but a women who fears the LORD is to be praised." 
Prov. 31:30


Talitha said...

Wow, thank you, Anna, for this reminder. It deeply challenged me. Even though I'm not married, I still must strive for the characteristics of a virtuous woman.

In His Image Photography said...

I was reading Proverbs 31 today, too!
And I approached it in a similar manner that you did. "I know all about this, I've read it many times, been in a bible study focused on this chapter, etc.
But, I ended up finding some new things, too! "How does this apply to me in my single years? Putting my father in place of husband, how am I furthering his vision and goal, etc.
This was a great reminder and encouragement. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

OmyGOODNESS! I don't know you but i have been reading the exact same Proverb this week! WOW! The part I focused on was the 'Strength and Honor (KJV)'! Two perfect Examples are Ruth and Esther. Ruth and Esther made a big mark in their time and were such an importance they each had their own book of the Bible written about them. My goal should be to leave a mark and make a difference in my world and life, no matter how small my 'lil corner of the world is! Not by fame, wealth, etc., but just by being the virteous woman God wants me to be.

Another verse I was reading along with this was 1 Peter 3:4-5.
